On February 24th, the Girl Scouts celebrated World Thinking Day! Ann Arbor, Michigan-based Community Counselor Diane Meyers shares about this eye-opening event. “It was so wonderful to see how well our au pairs were able to present their home country for World Thinking Day on Saturday, February 24, 2018.
The Girl Scouts toured “around the world” and learned so much about different cultures from each country. From making maracas in Brazil to weaving God’s Eyes in Mexico and creating traditional African necklaces from paper plates, the girls were able to learn and explore different countries. With the help of our au pairs the girls were able to build an Eiffel Tower from marshmallows and toothpicks, they made German windmills, and learned how to make origami figures from Thailand. The au pairs from Au Pair In America helped to make this event possible for the Girl Scouts and to earn their World Thinking Day patch.”
Full album of pictures are on Facebook.