General information on cultural presentations can be found on this page:

To receive an email with additional information about cultural presentations, fill out the first form below.

Or to receive materials for a presentations already scheduled, use the second form allowing 3 weeks for processing:

Request More Info
I am currently enrolled in the UCLA American Advantage class & will be doing this presentation as part of the community involvement requirement. I understand that I am to get a signature on my community involvement tracking form at the end of the presentation as proof of my presentation. *


Should you already have a cultural presentation scheduled, please fill out/submit this form instead to receive materials, allowing 3 weeks for processing. For a sample of what materials you will get, click here.

Order Your Materials
I am currently enrolled in the UCLA American Advantage class & will be doing this presentation as part of the community involvement requirement. I understand that I am to get a signature on my community involvement tracking form at the end of the presentation as proof of my presentation. *