
Holiday Raffle Winner and Other Entries

Polish au pair Iwona Z. is the winner of the Holiday Raffle!  Iwona is spending her year in Debra Welch's Boston-suburb cluster. Iwona shared pictures of the pierniczki cookies that they bake before Christmas.   Another tradition is to make ornaments.  Below are the beautiful ornaments that Iwona made for her host family out of [...]

By |2019-01-28T14:40:17-05:00January 25th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Holiday Raffle Winner and Other Entries

2018 Peace Day Song, Audrey M. from France

My video is about my perception of peace and how be kind can affect people life and your life at the same time. I choose to sing because for me a song can bring happiness and truth in a soft way. Firstly I choose the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow because for me this song [...]

By |2018-10-17T18:46:09-04:00October 17th, 2018|2018 Peace Day Audio/Video|Comments Off on 2018 Peace Day Song, Audrey M. from France

2018 Peace Day Poem Winner Zamony W. Receives Prize

While we are not always so lucky to thank the winners of our contests in person, we were able to meet  Zamony W. from South Africa, at the DC multi-cluster scavenger hunt on Sunday, October 14th and congratulate her in person. Zamony is in Victoria Paton's cluster.  Zamony's winning poem can be found here.   [...]

By |2018-10-14T23:25:39-04:00October 14th, 2018|Blog|Comments Off on 2018 Peace Day Poem Winner Zamony W. Receives Prize

2018 Flag Day Contest Winners

We received many excellent entries this year and it was difficult to chose 1 winner.  This year we have 3 top winners and 2 runners up!  For the full gallery of photos please visit the 2018 Flag Day link on the Contests page. Winner Yanxi C. from China in Rosa Woodham's Connecticut cluster.   [...]

By |2018-07-06T01:25:15-04:00June 28th, 2018|Blog|Comments Off on 2018 Flag Day Contest Winners

2017 Peace Day Essay Contest Winner Joneal L. from Jamaica

Joneal L. from Jamaica in Kristi Halpern's New York cluster submitted an original poem that has been chosen as the winner for this year's Peace Day Contest. "Dreams of Peace" My unborn child, I hope that, When you crawl into bed at night, You dream of peace in the world When I kiss and give [...]

By |2017-10-24T18:50:44-04:00October 24th, 2017|2017 Peace Day Essays/Poetry|Comments Off on 2017 Peace Day Essay Contest Winner Joneal L. from Jamaica
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