
Float Away the Sorrow – The Lessons of Loy Krathong

 (Wanida, an au pair from Thailand at a temple in MA, sharing the lessons of the holiday with her friends from around the globe.)  Today is a day to cut your hair and your nails and set them afloat on a banana leaf as you symbolically let the negativity of the year float away and welcome [...]

By |2021-11-19T16:59:13-05:00November 19th, 2021|Blog|Comments Off on Float Away the Sorrow – The Lessons of Loy Krathong

Au Pair in America Explorer for August

Au Pair in America Explorer for August Suri C. from Germany in Kristi Halpern's Long Island, NY cluster. Suri with her host child after their last game. Kristi nominated German/Thai au pair Suri as an Au Pair in America Explorer. She attends every cluster meeting, has fulfilled her educational requirements, and has traveled to Chicago, [...]

By |2019-08-30T11:33:47-04:00August 28th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Au Pair in America Explorer for August

Thai Au Pair Volunteers at AFAC Garden, Visits Google, and Presents at School

Thai Au Pair Supanich P. is enrolled in UCLA's APIA Advantage course. In addition to the online class there are requirements to present to children about the Au Pair's home country,  fulfill community service hours, and also participate in historical or cultural activities. Kristina Scholten, Supanich's Community Counselor, shared these great pictures. Supanich chose do her [...]

By |2017-07-11T08:44:21-04:00July 11th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Thai Au Pair Volunteers at AFAC Garden, Visits Google, and Presents at School

2017 Earth Day Pictures

Earth Day was celebrated in many ways this year. In Jan Peedin's Maryland cluster the au pairs volunteered by picking up litter along the streets of Historic Ellicott City. To celebrate Earth Day Au Pair in America asked for photos of Au Pairs in nature with or without their host child. The Winner was: Laura [...]

By |2017-05-17T14:34:50-04:00May 17th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on 2017 Earth Day Pictures

Global Au Pair in America Birthday Party

The Au Pairs in Dominique Ortiz's and Kristina Scholten's Virginia clusters spent their monthly meeting sharing birthday traditions from around the world!  They learned that there were many similarities across the different cultures. This is what they learned: In Germany, it is a whole day celebration with family and then friends, eating cake, drinking coffee, [...]

By |2017-04-06T23:04:15-04:00April 5th, 2017|Meet Your Global Neighbor|Comments Off on Global Au Pair in America Birthday Party

2017 International Women’s Day Winner – Rattana K.

For 2017 International Women's Day the theme was #BEBOLDFORCHANGE. We invited Au Pairs to share their greatest accomplishment so far in their year as an Au Pair in America, that has changed or will change their life for the better. Rattana K. from Thailand is in Kim Van Cleave Michaels' Seattle cluster: Throughout my life, [...]

By |2017-03-17T18:16:15-04:00March 17th, 2017|2017 International Women's Day Essays|Comments Off on 2017 International Women’s Day Winner – Rattana K.
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