Yesenia Q from Panama shares her peace poem.


May I talk to you about Peace?

Peace…bright eyes which provide you light.

Peace…wide smile on the child´s face and

a blue magnificent sky.

Peace…deep breath that keep you alive.

Peace…should be exorbitant equilibrium on our minds.

Peace is respect all the rights, speak confidently and wisely to interact,

co-exist harmoniously;

to love yourself, to your fellow,

to the Nature is Peace as well;

Wiser…Act…Reality… because Peace doesn´t look good on resume.

Great delicacy to should enjoys society.

Peace… fragile odd flower which doesn´t died when is reached

instead is getting wonderful when you touch it.

Peace is be capable to forgive and get freedom in your soul; put away rancor, hates, envies, wars… is walk light and smile.

Peace is agreement, progress, unit, joy, serenity, self-control, listen…

Work and no promote a war action.

May I talk to you about Peace..?