Advice from former au pairs, current au pairs, experienced host families and couselors

  • “This is so much more than I thought it would be” is a frequent lament of au pairs! Do we ever stop to think about the enormity of being an au pair? No matter how much [...]

  • I was recently talking to Karla, a very lovely au pair from Costa Rica.  Her English sure sounds fluent to me, her host family and anyone in the community who meets her.  "And that's the problem," [...]

  • The summer and early fall are busy seasons for Au Pair in America.  Many au pairs from many different countries are arriving in the U.S. It's a time when we can remind ourselves of how important [...]

  •  I had the pleasure of speaking with Justine, Nina and Marie, French au pairs who are currently living in the U.S. with their host families.   All three young women arrived in the U.S. with pre-conceived notions [...]

Meet Your Global Neighbor

Au Pair in America au pairs not only provide childcare but are also active in their local communities. Global Awareness, a unique volunteer program sponsored by Au Pair in America, is designed to foster a greater knowledge of the diversity and variety of cultures the world has to offer.
Au pairs go into elementary school classrooms, libraries, local bookstores, cub scout and brownie groups and other organizations of interest to children to share their culture. One teacher recently said

“60 kids will go home today knowing more about the world than when they first arrived at school this morning”.

The au pairs present a wide variety of topics and all the presentations are interactive and fun for the children! Au pairs who come to the U.S. with Au Pair in America are dynamic young adults who live with American host families, provide 45 hours/week of childcare, take college-level courses during their stay and engage in a mutually rewarding cultural exchange experience for the entire community. To learn more about Au Pair in America, please visit