Sunday, January 14, 2018 the Houston Clusters of Au Pair in America worked mile 21.5 of the Chevron Houston Marathon on East Memorial Drive.

7 au pairs from Au Pair in America gathered on Sunday at mile 21.5 of the Chevron Houston Marathon to set-up tables, mix, pour and distribute Gatorade to thirsty runners. However, the most vital and important part of the day was encouraging and cheering the runners on to the finish line.


“From the first runner who passed our tables, to the last group who passed exhausted four hours later, each runner was offered a drink, a smile and encouragement to keep going. ‘You can do it!’ ‘You’ve got this!’ ‘Way to go!’ and/or general hoots and hollers were given to each participant. The au pairs waved signs, rang cow bells and slapped together Bam Sticks. It was a great morning!” said Jennifer Stein, Au Pair in America South Houston Community Counselor.

“It was my pleasure to be a part of Chevron Houston Marathon and our team!” said au pair, Martyna W.

“Established in 1972, the Houston Marathon Committee, Inc. (HMC) is a founding member of Running USA and annually organizes the nation’s premier winter marathon, half-marathon and 5K. Over 250,000 participants, volunteers and spectators make Chevron Houston Marathon Race Day the largest single-day sporting event in Houston.”