Holiday Raffle Entries Au Pairs were asked to submit a photo from the holidays. Raffle Winner: Lisa from Germany created this with the foot prints of her host kids. Ermina from Bosnia Herzegovina shares a holiday performance Sarah-Marie from Germany made these cookies with here host kids Shai made a menorah for Hanukkah for her Christian host family Isadora’s Brazilian gingerbread house Gloria from Colombia made this wreath of her host kids. Lisa from Germany spent her holidays on the Outerbanks Ying from Thailand likes to go to the seaside for the holidays Prissila from Brazil during the holidays Aida from Mexico explains that they like to dress up like the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph By Global Awareness|2018-01-19T18:47:26-05:00January 19th, 2018|Meet Your Global Neighbor|Comments Off on Holiday Raffle Entries Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail