July 4th is celebrated as the birth of American independence from Great Britain. This is a festive holiday celebrated by Americans across the country. Typically it’s a day of parades, casual family get-togethers, barbeques and of course, fireworks! Did you know:
- There’s a 1-in-6 chance the beef on your backyard grill came from Texas. The “Lone Star ” State is the leader in the production of cattle and calves.
- The chicken on your barbecue grill probably came from one of the top broiler-producing states: Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, North Carolina and Mississippi.
- The lettuce in your salad or on your hamburger probably was grown in California, which accounts for nearly three-quarters of USA lettuce production.
- Fresh tomatoes in your salad most likely came fromFlorida or California, which, combined, produced more than two-thirds of U.S. tomatoes. The ketchup on your hamburger or hot dog probably came from California, which accounts for 95 percent of processed tomato production.
- As to potato salad or potato chips or fries, Idaho and Washington produces about one-half of the nation’s spuds.
- For dessert, six states — California, Florida, Texas, Georgia, Arizona and Indiana— combined to produce about 80 percent of watermelons last year.
- And the apples in your apple pie? They most likely came from Washington or New York, the two top apple producing states.
Your July 4th celebration comes from all parts of the U.S.