Tapping into the inspiration of Martin Luther King Jr, last month we asked the au pair community, “what is worth fighting for?” and they spoke their truth!  Au pairs are getting ready to put their ideas into action for making 2023 the best year yet.  Before we share all their inspirational ideas, here are some tangible ways we can show up as allies in the fight for racial equity. Happy Black History Month (and 2023)!  Let’s make some plans and take some action this year.

There are so many ways to stand up as an ally for racial equity.  So many excellent resources exist to aid in our own understanding of the systems of oppression, the unconscious bias we all hold, and how to recognize inequity and fight for ensuring all our futures are bright.

For more inspiration on how to celebrate and take action this month, visit:

Support Black Owed businesses:


Learn about how Black History Month is celebrated in other countries:



Sign up for the 28 Day Black History Month newsletter to learn something each day:



And in our education of the next generation, so that they might know and do better, we unite to fight against white supremacy.  Here are great books to order now and begin reading to those little anti-racists.  The Conscious Kids suggests:



Happy Black History Month!  

What will you do to make 2023 a beautiful year?


Here is what au pairs across the US will be doing to serve others….

Julia from France – “I would love to be able to intervene in schools or middle schools, share, explain my culture, organize activities related to my country (France).  I want my stay in the United States to be useful for people.”

Abigail from South Africa  – “My way of doing community service is in a prayer group with participants from almost every state in America.”


Emilia from Ecuador – “I will volunteer at my host kid’s school. Working with kids is my passion and my profession. As a teacher I know that I have an important responsibility for helping and guiding the new generations coming. Working at my host kid school will let me share my culture and experience living and learning from a new culture and language. My goal is to share with the community the worth of each culture and the importance to learn more about the people living in other countries and enjoying the beautiful diversity of our world.” 

Mariana from Brazil “As a big dog lover, I wanted to volunteer in a dog shelter. Since my host family’s house doesn’t have a dog and I miss my dog back in Brazil so much, I wanted to be more in the presence of these cute fur babies. So I’m thinking about volunteering in the Tri-County Animal Rescue in the city I live in, as a dog walker and go there at least twice a week.”

Maisie from Canada – “I’ve been looking into the nature conservatory where we can add preserves to google maps so that people can visit them and experience, explore and appreciate nature. I think that America has so many beautiful spots that should be appreciated! Also, I am hoping to find a library or school who has programs that I could include my presentation with the youth on some of my favorite things about Canada. I love where I’m from and I’m excited to share!”


Guiana from Colombia – “I want to volunteer with the Hispanic Services Council, who have different projects for the Latino community, especially with children and teenagers or their parents. The functions will depend on what is defined and organized by them, but among these will be: help Latino children in their homework, who are starting their learning process in English, support the logistics of events for parents, among others.”

Ella from Sweden“I am going to volunteer for uga medical partnership. It includes donating different things that seem to be needed and important for everyone to be able to have. For one example, feminine products.” 

Rebecca from Mexico“I will volunteer at a local church in chores such as: welcoming guests, helping with children ministry, helping organize and participate in charities that the church prepares, helping in the different ministries: music, production, kids, youth groups, etc.”

Methisathanan from Thailand  – “I have had a very good experience in self-improvement and the knowledge of helping others such as a first aid learning event in the United States by professional staff to teach me and my au pair friends as how to properly give life-saving first aid knowledge and help children in emergency situations.”

Joanna from Poland“I’m volunteering with Girl Scouts where my host child and her neighbor friends belong. I already prepared one meeting for the troop where I presented Poland, polish scouting and the tradition. On February 26th there’s regional celebration of World Thinking Day – international celebration of scout friendship and unity. During the meeting we will present Poland and get to know other countries.”

Jessica from Italy “I will be a class representative for my au pair cluster and be a volunteer for a local Green Partnership near my town.”
