Panamanian Au Pair Alejandra from Hiba Zanarini’s San Francisco cluster did a great presentation to a group of pre-schoolers at San Mateo Montessori School.
She taught the children where Panama is located, about the Panama Canal, the meaning of Panama name, about animals and plants, traditions, food, Panamanian flag, language, Panama beaches and mountains. At the end of the presentation they all did a fun art project of the Panamanian Flag.
Alejandra shares about her experience: “When I finished the presentation and the art project I could noticed the kids were really excited about the country they just learned stuff about, for me it was an amazing experience that I truly recommend to another au pair to do. I am pretty sure if you do it your are going to feel so proud of your country and so proud that you were able to teach kids about it, and definitely I would do it again more times. “