2020 International Women’s Day: Ellis C. from Brazil

Ellis C. from Brazil in Susan Grubstein's Brooklyn, NY cluster: Courage...to start the process, to move on, to say goodbye, to arrive in another country and to live in this new culture. Courage is what I will bring to my future, courage to move forward without fear of someone stopping me and saying what I [...]

By |2020-03-18T13:55:56-04:00March 25th, 2020|2020 International Women's Day|Comments Off on 2020 International Women’s Day: Ellis C. from Brazil

Bringing China to an American Classroom

Sihui Tan is an Au Pair with Au Pair in America. She participated in the Global Awareness Program by teaching some Mandarin to a 5th Grade Class in Rocky Point, Long Island, NY. Global Awareness is an educational program sponsored by the American Institute of Foreign Study to promote multi-cultural understanding in schools. [youtube qtzQKcmh3bE]

By |2010-11-05T11:50:35-04:00November 5th, 2010|Blog|Comments Off on Bringing China to an American Classroom
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