cultural adjustment

Au Pair in America Welcomes You!

Au Pair in America was happy to welcome more than 600 au pairs  from around the world in July and August.  It's a wonder that so many matches are successful given the challenges of cultural differences and a difficult adjustment that many au pairs experience.  It's important to remember several points during the initial stages of [...]

By |2012-09-16T10:57:06-04:00September 16th, 2012|Blog|Comments Off on Au Pair in America Welcomes You!

What’s happening?

Recently a frustrated host mom called to report something that happened with her au pair.  She had told the new au pair to wash the kids’ faces after lunch.  Shortly after she saw that their hands and clothes were covered in mac & cheese. She couldn't understand why the au pair had only washed the [...]

By |2016-09-06T19:37:23-04:00March 9th, 2012|Cultural Clash|Comments Off on What’s happening?
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