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UCLA Advantage Students – Information Request
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Your name (required)
Your ID # (required)
Your community counselor’s name (required)
Your host family's last name (required)
What is your home country
Date of Presentation: (required)
Number of children you will be presenting to in grades Pre-K through 1st grade (required)
Number of children you will be presenting to in grades 2 through 5 (required)
Email (required)
Your street address (required)
Your City (required)
State (required)
Zip (required)
I am currently enrolled in the UCLA American Advantage class & will be doing this presentation as part of the community involvement requirement. I understand that I am to get a signature on my community involvement tracking form at the end of the presentation as proof of my presentation.
Please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery.
If you are human, leave this field blank.
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