New Jersey

Camilly R. Presents About Brazil to New Jersey 1st Graders

Brazilian au pair Camilly R. is spending her year in Myra Weinberg's New Jersey cluster.  As part of her UCLA course requirement she embraced the opportunity to present in her host kid's 1st grade classroom about her home country.  Here is an account of her experience: "The presentation took place in the Bedwell Elementary School, [...]

By |2020-02-02T10:20:59-05:00February 4th, 2020|Blog|Comments Off on Camilly R. Presents About Brazil to New Jersey 1st Graders

New Jersey Au Pairs Participate in Volunteer Week

This week is dubbed as: VOLUNTEER WEEK! Community Counselor Denise Eliopoulos shared this great photo of her au pairs volunteering at New Eyes for the Needy in Short Hills, NJ.  New Eyes for the Needy works to improve the vision of the poor and provide glasses to those in need. Denise said "I loved hearing [...]

By |2018-04-18T20:20:17-04:00April 18th, 2018|Blog|Comments Off on New Jersey Au Pairs Participate in Volunteer Week
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